Festiwal plenerowy



Project overview

The challenge presented by the client was to create a innovative, local extension of a global event for the jubilee of one of the world's largest IT companies. As a solution, we proposed the concept of creating a festival on the premises of the company. We were building a complex infrastructure for three days. Optional attractions, an inspiration tent and a history zone with a reconstructed room from the 1960s (referring to the beginning of the company) appeared at the party. The center of the event was a stage where we symbolically combined innovation, represented by the fresh sounds of young bands, with the experienced Kazik Staszewski and the Proforma quartet. The lightness and energy was added by Filip Chajzer, who prepared a funny reportage about the company's employees for this occasion. We were responsible for creating an original concept for the entire event, the selection of artists, catering, event infrastructure, a group photo of 2000 people and facilitating the whole event.